Lot 182
Henryk Hechkopf – Collection of Original Illustrations and Preparations for Printing – "Tapuach" Publishing
A collection of 147 original illustrations for books, created by Henryk Hechtkopf (1910-2004). The collection includes drawings, texts and printing proofs for books published by "Tapuach", among them "Tzizi Pitzi", "Harpatkaot uFela'ot", "Hatula veKhinora", "Aba Shelanu", "Tziz veTzvitz", "Lichvod Shabat", "Dov Ikar", "Et Kulanu Yeshenim", "Hass, Ima Yeshena", and "Bayit Kat BaAliya". Parchment sheets with instructions to the printer concerning colors are attached original illustrations. Additionally, the collection includes printing proofs with corrections and transparencies for offset printing.
Total of about 163 original illustrations in color and black and white, as well as tens of proofs, transparencies and sections of text. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition. Enclosed is a bag with more drawings, in very poor condition, with heavy damage to drawings.