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Lot 370

Avnei Shoham / Tza'ir Rada"m – Salonika, 1848 – Glosses

Sefer Avnei Shoham, on Mishna Rambam and Shulchan Aruch, by Rabbi Avraham Peretz, published by his son Raphael Chaim Binyamin. Salonika, 1848.
Printed and bound with the book "Tza'ir Rada"m", on Halachot Treifot and the Torah, Aggadah novellae on Mishnah and Pirkei Avot, by Rabbi Raphael David Mizrachi.
Some scholarly comments in Oriental-Turkish handwriting. One of them begins "Chaim says".
[3], 128 leaves; [1], 25 leaves, 30cm. Good condition, moisture stains. Original binding, worn.