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Lot 136

Collection of Books – Jewish Philosophy – German

Collection of books dedicated yto Jewish philosophy:
* Zur Rabbinischen Spruchkunde, commentary and explanations in German for Talmudic proverbs and sayings, by Leopold Dukes, Vienna, 1851.
* Die Jüdische Apokalyptik in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung, the historic development of Judaism and its contribution to Christianity by A. Hilgenfeld. German. Jena (Germany), 1857.
* Publications of the Gratz College, summaries of lectures and bibliographic information. English. Philadelphia, 1897.
* Der Austritt aus der Synagogen-Gemeinde in Königsberg i.Pr. 1899, about the split in the Königsberg congregation, 1899. German. Königsberg, 1900.
* Rabbinische Legenden, Jewish legends, by Gottlieb von Leon. German. Vienna-Berlin, 1919.
5 books. Size and condition vary.