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Collection of Atlases, Guides and Maps of Israel

A collection of atlases, guides and maps of Israel. 1930s-1970s.
1. The traveler's companion to the holy land being a concise and accurate guide and easy reference when travelling through Palestine, Syria and Transjordania by the traveler's companion to the holy land being a concise and accurate guide and easy reference when travelling through Palestine, Syria and Transjordania, by George M. Sahhar and Morcos Essa, published by Modern Press, Jerusalem, [1935]. English.
A concise guide for the traveler in Palestine, Syria and Jordan with photographs and information.
2. Notes on Map Reading. Published by His Majesty's stationery office, London, 1939. English. Guide for soldiers, published by the British war office, for map reading, orientation and navigation in the battle field. Includes 20 maps and drawings.
3. World Atlas, 29 maps, many interesting facts vital statistics and information. Published by Y. Mizrahi & Co., Jerusalem, [1940s]. English.
4. Map of Palestine edited by Dr. Avraham Ya'akov Brawer. Published by The Berl Katzenelson "Sifriyat HaChayal", Tel-Aviv, 1946.
5. Old and New Jerusalem. Drawn by Shlomo Ben-David. "Steimatzky". Lito-offset Monsohn, Jerusalem, 1955. Folded as a booklet.
6. Map of Israel, editor: Dr. J. Szapiro. Tel-Aviv, 1961. Folded as a booklet.
7. "The Arab Homeland", map of the Near East. Damascus, 1964. Arabic.
Size and condition vary.