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Lot 38

Three Illustrated Miniature Psalm Books, 1948

Psalms, illustrated by Shlomo Cohen. Tel-Aviv: Sinai, [1948].
Three copies of a miniature Psalms book published by Sinai. Illustrations depict themes such as persecutions by gentiles, survival, victory, Jerusalem and Eretz Israel.
1. A dedication leaf is mounted in the first book "Gift for soldiers for the New Year 1949 from HaMizrahi Association in Eretz Israel…with Greetings for a Year of Victory and Redemption".
2. The second book opens with a mounted dedication leaf "With Wishes for a Speedy Recovery…Ketivah VeHatima Tova, I.A. Halevi Herzog Chief Rabbi, Shlomo Goronchik, Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Military Rabbi, Elul, 1948".
3. The third book opens with a dedication written by hand, erased: "To Gadi, for his fiftieth year".
[1] leaf, 161 pp. Good condition. Stains, foxing, worn and faded binding.