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Lot 221

Anti-Israeli Posters in French – 2000s

Nine anti-Israeli posters in French, 2000s:
* Apres les fruits de la passion ceux de la haine!, Pourquo! Financeriez-vous un Genocide? [fruits of hate! why do you finance genocide?]
* N'achetez pas les fruits et legumes des colonies israeliennes [Do not buy fruit and vegetables from the occupied territories]
* Israel Apartheid Boycott
* Boycott, Desinvestissement, Sanctions campagne BDS France, Notre reponse l'apartheid, a l'occupation et a la colonization israelienne [boycott, draw investments, sanctions, our response to Israeli occupation]
* Ensemble, Refusons le mur de separation raciste [together, refuse the wall of racist separation]
* Palestine, Le vrai visage de l'occupation israelienne [Palestine, the real face of Israeli occupation]
* Palestine il est temps l'onu proclame 2014 annee de la solidarite avec le people palestinien [Palestine, it is about time that the UN declares 2014 as the year of solidarity with the Palestinian people]
* La Securit?, Ni Gurre, Ni Occupation, Ni Racisme [Security? No war, no occupation, no racism].
* Marwan, Je crie ton nom liberte! [Marwan – I call for your liberation].
42X30 to 99X70 cm. Overall good condition.