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Lot 299

Humashim Be'er Mayim Chayim - Stamps of Admorim of Spinka

Humash Bereshit and Humash Ba-Midbar, with "Or Chayim", "Homat Anach" by Ha-Hid"a, and "Be'er Mayim Chayim" by the Admor Rabbi Chayim of Chernowitz. Lemberg, 1863.
In Humash Bereshit is a stamp of the Admor Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kahana, Av Beit Din Spinka, in Humash Ba-Midbar ownership inscription and a chopped signature in handwriting [Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kahana?] and a stamp of Rabbi Nachman Kahana.
The Admor Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kahana, Av Beit Din Spinka (1884-1944, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 17314), son of Admor Rabbi Nachman, author of "Orchot Hayim" (son in law of the "Imrei Yosef" of Spinka, and descendent of the author of "Kuntres Ha-Sfekot"), son in law of the Admor Baruch Rubin of Gherla. Served as Rabbi and Admor after his father. Murdered in the Holocaust. All his writings were lost.
His son, Rabbi Nachman Kahana (passed away 1977), Admor of Spinka Bnei-Brak.
Part I: Bereshit. [2], 342; 9 leaves. (6 leaves missing in the end). 28cm. Fair condition, moth damage mainly to margins of first pages. Stains. Unoriginal cloth binding, worn and with no spine.
Part IV: Ba-Midbar. [2], 198, 7, 4 leaves. 28cm. Good condition, moth holes and minor foxing. Non original cloth binding, slightly worn.