Lot 218
The Vilna Gaon– Three Books
1. Eli' Raba, part I. Commentary on Seder Taharot by the Vilna Gaon. Brin, 1802. First edition. Published by his disciple Rabbi Meir Mashad.
About the credibility of this commentary, see introduction by the Vilna Gaon's sons to "Peirush al Yonah" (Vilna 1800) who doubted this commentary. However, Rabbi Rabinovitz in his introduction to Sefer Gaon Ya'akov (Lemberg 1861) writes that the Ga'on Rabbi Ya'akov Kahana, son in law of the Vilna Ga'on's brother of Rabbi Yissachar Ber was the one who wrote the book according to notes taken by Rabbi Meir Mashad when he studied with the Vilna Gaon.
The book opens with a recommendation by the Vilna Gaon to the writer as well as approbations by Rabbi Mordechai Benet of Nikolsburg and the rabbis of Prague: Rabbi Elazar Fleklesh and Rabbi Shmuel Segal Landa. An additional recommendation by the Vilan Gaon's brother, Rabbi Yissachar Ber. Owndership signatures: "Shimon Alexander ben Baruch" of Copenhagen and another ink stamp.
2. Ma'asseh Rav, the Vilna Gaon Hanhagot. [Kenigsberg], [1856]. No binding.
3. Aderet Eliyahu, commentaries by the Vilna Gaon on Nevi'im Rishonim and Seder Chalukat Ha'Aretz. Jerusalem, 1938.
(As printed in the book Tzurat Ha-Aretz Legvuloteha, Shklov 1802, without Rashi commentary. The title reads "Nevi'im U-Ketuvim" but for some reason only Nevi'im Rishonim were printed). Printed and bound with Sefer Masa'ot Yisrael – on the journeys of Bnei Yisrael according to the Vilna Gaon by his grandson – Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe of Slonim (separate title page).
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