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"Kol Yerushalayim" and "Kol Eretz Israel" – Early Telephone and Adress Guides in Eretz Israel, 1921,1926

1. Kol Yerushalyim, useful book, book with information, addresses, map of Jerusalem, compiled and composed by A. Ostowsky [Avraham Hertz ben Zalman Ostowsky]. Published by "A. Ostowsky", Jerusalem, 1921.
Separate chapters with lists of Jewish and foreign institutes, professionals, addresses of residents and more. At the end appears a map after Szyk-Danzinger map.
120 pp, [1] map. 27.5 cm. Map 54.5X45.5 cm. good condition. Slight stains, some creases. Damage and tears to binding.
2. Kol Eretz Israel, useful book with addresses edited by Yesha'ayahu Pevsner. "Achdut" printing press, "Omanut" and "HaShachar", Tel-Aviv, 1926.
Pagination restarts with each chapter. Approx 24 cm. Good condition. Some tears. Slightly damaged binding (spine and corners).
In both guides appear advertisements.