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Italian Jewry – Collection of Books

4 books about the history of Italian Jewry:
* Gli ebrei a Firenze nell'età del Rinascimento, Umberto Cassuto, Florence: Tipografia Galletti e Cocci, 1918. Italian.
* The Jews in medieval Assisi, 1305-1487, a social and economic history of a small Jewish community in Italy, Ariel Toaff. Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1979. Unopened sheets.
* The Jews in Piedmont, Renate Serge. Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1986-1990. Three volumes. English. Added title pages in Hebrew.
* The Jews in the Duchy of Milan, Shlomo Simonsohn. Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1982. Two volumes out of four. English. Added title pages in Hebrew.
7 volume. Size varies. Good overall condition.