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Collection of Prose, Plays and Poetry Books in Yiddish

Collection of books – prose, plays and poetry in Yiddish.
* Di kolonisten, a ramen fun rumeniyen un Eretz Israel, Yitzchak Halevi Lewinsky. Published by Rabbi Meir Yehiel Halter. Warsaw, (1890).
* Gezamelte shriften, I. Sternberg. Published by "Velt bibliotek". Warsaw, 1909.
* Vohin? M.Z. Feirberg. Published by "Velt bibliotek". Warsaw, 1909.
* In yene tsaytn (zikhronot fun a kantonist), Yehudah Steinberg. Published by "Velt bibliotek". Warsaw, (1910).
* Gezamelte shrift, S.N. An-Sky. Published by "Ezra", Petersburg, 1911.
* Avrehmel der shuster, B.Shapir. Published by Binshtok. Odessa, 1911.
* Oyf der frisher luft, B.Yaushsohn, Published by A. Gitlin's folks-bibliotek. Warsaw, 1912.
* Bertah, roman fun dem yiidishen leben in Amerika, Leon Gotlieb (L. Grodsky). Published by Hebrew Publishing Company. New-York, [1914].
* Der eviger yud, Eugène Sue. Published bu A. Gitlin's Folks-bibliotheque. Warsaw, 1914.
* Der eibiger yid (der fremder), David Pinsky. Published by M. Gurewitch Farlag. New York, 1914.
* Meshalim, Shlomo Ettinger. Published by "Nayer farlag". Warsaw, 1920.
* Untern vand, A. Reuveni. Published by "Dos land". Jerusalem. (1920).
* Dos poylishe yungl, I.I. Linetzki. Published by "Der kval". Vienna, 1921.
* Faygenboymer, I.I. Trunk. Published by "Di Tsayt". Warsaw, 1922.
* Zind, Yehoshua Perle. Published by Alt-yung. Warsaw, 1923.
Additional edition published by S. Yatchkowsky. Warsaw, 1923.
* Ale ketavim fun Dr. Shlomo Ettinger. Published by Vilner farlag fun B. Klatzkin. Vilnius, 1925. Two volumes.
* Khanuka gelt, kinder-shpil in dray scenes, I.D. Berkovitch. Published by "Matanot". New York, 1925. Illustrations of stage sets and costumes by Boris Aronson.
* Khodoshim un teg, a chronic, E. Kipnis. Published by Cooperative-farlag "Kultur-lige". Kiev, 1926.
* Ḳayor, Shaye Shḳaroṿsḳi. Published by Zenterfarlag. Moscow, 1928.
* Schvesterkinder, I. Rabin. Published by Zenterfarlag. Moscow, 1930/
* Yashe kolb, U.U. Singer. Published by the author. Warsaw, 1932. First edition.
Enclosed is an article about the novel by I. Rapaport.
* Yidn fun a gants yor by Yehoshua Perle. Published by: literarishe bleter". Warsaw, 1935.
* Der veg iz ofn, I. Rabin. Published by "Emes". Moscow, 1935.
* Zelmenyaner, Moshe Kylbak. Publilshed by Melukhe- Farlag. Kiev, 1939
* Fun di yunge yorn, A. Kipnis. Publlished by Melukhe-farlag. Kiev, 1939.
* Mentsh fun mayn land, I. Falikman. Published by "Der Emes". Moscow, 1945.
* Essays and stories by Yehudah Steinberg, translated into Yiddish. No binding, no details, probably were bound together.
About 28 booklets. Size and condition vary.