Lot 103
Collection of Private Printings – "Tikun Olam"
Nine brochures and short compositions printed mostly privately and deal with a call for world peace and fraternity and for "Tikun Olam".
* Mikveh Israel, by "Hamedakdek" of Russia (Israel Eisenberg). Lvov, 1886.
* Po nichye…Zion printing press, Jerusalem, [1930]. Ex Libris overleaf the title page, text omission.
* La Paco, The Peace, Shalom, News from Jerusalem – World Peace, in Hebrew, English and Esperanto. Jerusalem, [1935]. Ex Libris of the scholar Rabbi Moshe David Gaon, on inner binding.
* Zeliley Geula, compiled and arranged by Ari Oron. Hitchadshut publishing, Jerusalem, [1937].
* Hunger strike, open letter A. from I. Robinsohn, Bnei Brak, [no year]. Not listed in NLI catalogue.
* Shikhrur Haenergia Haenoshit, I. Robinzon. B'ne Berak, No year indicated. Not listed in the NLI.
* "Iviticha Elohai". Long poem by Rabbi David Barda. Tunisia, [1954].
* Plan for world peacemaking, by Avraham Zefati. [Tel-Aviv], [1954]. Two copies. Three folded leaves are attached at the end of each copy, typewritten, from the author.
9 Brochures. Size and condition vary.