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List of Subscribers – Institute for Promotion of Jewish Literature – Magdeburg, 1860

Alphabetische Liste der Förderer der israelitischen Literatur (ausserhalb des österreichischen Staates) als Abonnenten des Instituts fur Förderung der israelitischen Literatur, Institut fur Förderung der israelitischen Literatur. Published by Albert Falckenberg, Magdeburg, 1860.
Alphabethical list of subscribers (from outside Austria) for the books of the Institute for Promotion of Jewish Literature, chaired by Ludwig Philippson. The Institute joined other initiatives and together they established a Jewish Reading Club which published every year several Jewish books, and these were sent to subscribers all over Europe.
29 pp, 21.5 cm. Good condition. Inscriptions in pen. Stains. New binding.
Literature: German Jewish Reading Cultures, 1815-1933, Nils Remer. Aschkenas, 2008/2009.