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Catalogues and Bibliographic Books – 1893-1980

Various catalogues and various bibliographic books concerned mainly or partially with Jewish, Hebrew and Samaritan books and with Jewish history. * Descriptive List of the Hebrew and Samaritan MSS. in the British Museum, G. Margoliouth, B.A. Published by Oxford University Press. London, 1893. English. * Magna Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica, A Bibliographcal Guide to Anglo-Jewish History, Cecil Roth. Published by Jewish Historical Society of England, University College. London, 1937. English. * Catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan Manuscripts in the British Museum, G. Margoliouth, M.A… Published by Oxford Univerisy Press. London, 1935. English. * Bibliografia Geral Portuguesa, Seculo XV, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. Published by Imprensa Nacional de Lisboa. Lisbon, 1942. Portuguese. Two volumes. * The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic papyri; New Documents of the Fifth Century B.C. from the Jewish Colony at Elephantine, Emil G. Kraeling. Published by Lowe & Brydone. London, 1965. English. Three volumes out of four. * Catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan Manuscripts in the British Museum, G. Margoliouth, M.A.. London: Lowe & Brydone Press, 1965. English. Three volumes out of four. * Annales Hebraeo-typographici seculi XV et ab anno 1501 ad 1540. Descripsit et instruxit fuso commentario notisque historicis-criticis illustravit cum indicibus alphabeticis auctorum et operum, John. Bern. De Rossi. Facsimile. Published by Philo Press. Amsterdam, 1969. Latin. * Catalogue des Manuscrits marocains de la Collection Klagsbald, Victor Klagsbald. Published by Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Paris, 1980. French and Hebrew. 11 books and booklets. Size and condition vary. Books were not thoroughly checked and are sold As Is.