Lot 87
Bnei Yissachar – Zholkiev, 1850 – First Edition
Sefer Bnei Yissachar – essays on Shabbatot and the holidays, by the order of the year, according to Chasidic and kabalistic thought. The first part contains essays for months Nissan- Elul, and essays on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh. By Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech ben Pesach of Dinov. Zholkiev, 1850. First edition.
Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov (1783-1841, Encyclopedia of Chasidut Part 3 pages 573-581) was among the leading Chasidic Rebbes and kabalists. He was a disciple of the Seer of Lublin, the Maggid of Kozhnitz and Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Riminov. He was named after his uncle Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk (as Rabbi Elimelech willed while he was still alive). He wrote many books dealing with Chasidut, Kabbalah, Halacha and Aggada.
His well known book Bnei Yissachar was first printed in the years 1846-1850 (the first volume was printed in 1846 without a title page, and the second volume is the present copy – see enclosed material).
A few owners' signatures appear on the title page: “…Ha-Kadosh Shmuel Beinush…” “Ha-Kadosh Tzvi…”
[1], 24; 72 leaves, 23cm. Good condition. Professionally restored damages (tears and moth damage). Stains. New, luxurious leather binding.