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Seven Books by Leib Kvitko

Seven books by Leib Kvitko (1890-1952). Yiddish.
Yiddish poet, author and editor. Murdered in August 1952 with other poets, in what is known as "The Night of the Massacred Poets". Kvitko is considered the most prominent Yiddish poet for children in the Soviet Union.
* Gringroz. Berlin: Yidisher literarisher, 1922. Title pages designed by
Yissachar Ber Rybak.
* 1919. Berlin: Yidisher literarisher, 1923. Cover design by Joseph Tchaikov.
* Gerangl 1917-1929. Kharkov: Tzentralfarlag, 1929.
* Ring un ring. Ukraine" Melukhe farlag, 1929. Illustrations by Yissachar Ber Rybak.
* Fayer of di sonim! Moscow: "Der Emes", 1941.
* Kinder-hertzer. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1943. Illustrated cover.
* Gezang fun mayn gemit (1941-1946). Moscow: "Der Emes", 1947. Illustrated.
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