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Collection of Books by Peretz Markish

Collection of 14 books by Peretz Markish (1895-1952). Yiddish poet, playwright and author, one of the leading Jewish poets in the Soviet Union. Markish was executed in Moscow in August 1952 with other poets, in what is known as "The Night of the Massacred Poets".
* Nakhn telerl fun hymn. Published by "Natur un Mentsch", 1919. Yiddish.
* Di Kupe. Warsaw: Kultur-Lige, Warsaw, 1921. Yiddish.
* Forbygyendik (esayn). Vilnius: Tsentrale Yidishe shul organizatsye, 1921. Yiddish.
* Nakht-royb. Moscow: "Lyrik", 1922. Yiddish.
* Stam, drite oyflage. Warsaw: "Kultur Lige", 1922. Yiddish.
* Dor Oys, Dor Ayn. Ukraine: "Melukje Farlag", 1929. Yiddish.
* Shtiferish. Vilnius: Tsentrale Yidishe shul organizatsye, ca. 1930. Yiddish.
* Dartsaylungen. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1939. Yiddish.
* Nit Gedaiget, tsvayte oyflage. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1939. Yiddish.
* Anshl der zalyozniḳ. Warsaw: "Literarishe Bleter", 1935. Yiddish.
* A toyt di kanibaln! Lider. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1941. Yiddish.
* Dor Oys, Dor Ayn, tsvayter bukh,. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1941. Yiddish.
* Far falk un haymland. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1943. Yiddish.
* Di Mishpukhe Markish. Boston: The Soviet Jewry Committee, Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Boston, 1972. Yiddish.
Size and condition vary.