Lot 366
Sephardic Tradition Siddur - Amsterdam, 1726
"Siddur of prayers, piyyutim and songs, for monthly and weekly use" - a siddur for year-round use according to Sephardic tradition. Amsterdam, [1726]. Printed by Isaac Templo. Engraved frontispiece.
With a calendar in Hebrew and in Spanish: "A calendar of the days - in which we begin to say Barech Aleinu in the Amida prayer abroad, for 80 years, and it is recited until Pesach". On Leaf 215 is the "Hashkava of those burnt in sanctification of G-d's Name".
[1] 36, 41-243, [1] leaves. 17.5 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. New binding.