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Lot 330

Letter by Rabbi Neiman to the Chazon Ish - Petach Tikva, 1943 - Question Concerning Adherence to Hungarian Customs

Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Ya'akov Neiman, head of the Or Yisrael Yeshiva. Petach Tikva, 1943.
An interesting letter sent to the Chazon Ish with a question regarding two families that emigrated from Hungary to Petach Tikva and are delaying the shidduch of their adult sons due to their demand that the married women adhere to the Hungarian custom of shaving their heads, "…And I told them that it is forbidden to abandon a Torah mitzvah for a good custom… but they do not listen to me. Therefore, I have come to ask your opinion on this matter and whatever Your Honor says they will do…".
Rabbi Ya'akov Aryeh Neiman (ca. 1887-1983), was a prominent alumnus of the Lomza Yeshiva in Poland and a close disciple of the Chafetz Chaim who appointed him head of the Or Yisrael Yeshiva in Lida (which was founded by the Chafetz Chaim and by Rabbi Chaim Ozer). A few years after he immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1935, he established the Or Yisrael Yeshiva in Petach Tikva which he headed for over 40 years. Many of the heads of yeshivot in our days are his disciples or their disciples. He wrote Darkei Mussar and Pri Ya'akov and other books.
Leaf, 20 cm. Approximately 18 handwritten lines. Fair condition. Tears and dampstains.