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Lot 307

Autograph Letter with Full Signature of Rabbi Yeshaya of Keresztur, and his Wife the Rebbetzin

Autograph letter by Rebbe Yeshaya of Keresztur, with his full signature: "Yeshaya son of R' Moshe, meshamesh bakodesh of the Tsaddik of Lesko". Keresztur (Kerestir).
13 lines, signed. The letter is in Yiddish. With blessings for success and good luck and for the defeat of evil people. At the end of the letter he adds a blessing of good profit and success in all his endeavors, "Your dear friend who is anticipating good tidings speedily… Yeshaya son of R' Moshe, 'mashbak' of the Tsaddik of Lesko". Two lines handwritten and signed by his wife, Rebbetzin "Alte" appear in the margins.
Enclosed is a postcard with New Year greetings and "the portrait of our Rebbe Yeshaya Steiner of Keresztur". Postal stamp from Kisvarda, 1934.
Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner of Keresztur (1852-1922, Otzar HaRabbanim 11765), disciple and successor of Rebbe Zvi Hirsh of Lesko, author of Ach Pri Tevu'ah was orphaned from his father at the age of 3. From the age of 12, he was raised like a son in the home of the Lesko Rebbe. He was drawn to Chassidism and travelled to Rebbe Chaim Halberstam of Sanz and to Rebbe Mordechai of Nadvorne, but his primary rebbe and mentor was Rebbe Zvi Hirsh of Lesko and he eventually became his close assistant [at the time Rabbi Yeshaya served as Rebbe, when masses (including non-Jews) were already flocking to Rabbi Yeshaya's court from all over Hungary to receive his counsel and blessing, he was accustomed to signing: "…who served the Rebbe the Tsaddik of Lesko"]. Leading rebbes of his days revered him; among them Rebbe Chaim of Sanz and Rebbe Yissachar Dov, the Maharid of Belz [who stated that the "key to sustenance" is in the hands of Rabbi Yeshaya of Keresztur]. He performed a vast amount of charitable deeds to thousands of people in need and his hachnasat orchim was outstanding. He was one of the pillars of chesed and prayer in his times and was renowned as an illustrious tsaddik. Up until our times, his picture is hung in homes as a segulah for protection from mice. The story behind this custom is related in his biography "Mei Be'er Yeshayahu".
Official stationery, 17 cm. Fair-poor condition. Damaged, with an open tear in the upper corner and on the line with the date, wear (restored with paper). Stains. + one postcard, 15.5 cm.