Lot 251
Archive of Letters and Notes - The Tsaddik Rabbi Shmuel Huminer of Jerusalem
An extensive and interesting archive of thousands of items: haundreds of letters, drafts and copies of letters, notes of introspection and original prayers, drafts of compositions and ephemera - archive of the tsaddik Rabbi Shmuel Huminer [the Chafetz Chaim of Jerusalem]. Jerusalem, [c. 1930-1977].
· Hundreds of letters sent to Rabbi Shmuel Huminer from Israel and from abroad: from rabbis, musar figures, Torah students from throughout Israel; family members and various people.
· Dozens of letters and correspondence with his close disciple Rabbi Mordechai Rabinowitz of Bnei Brak: correspondence regarding books they printed together and several letters regarding the well-known polemic about the Steipler's letters in Kuntress Igrot Kodesh.
· Hundreds of letters, drafts and copies of letters written by Rabbi Shmuel Huminer to family and friends, to disciples and to various people who sent him questions from all over the world. The letters contain matters related to halacha, musar, faith, meticulous adherence to mitzvot, holiness and conduct of a Jewish home, printing books, etc. Dozens of these letters carry Rabbi Huminer's own signature: "Shmuel Huminer".
· Hundreds of various leaves handwritten by Rabbi Huminer: sections of journals and notes of introspection. Various prayers which he composed for serving G-d and for inspiration for Torah study and for fulfilling mitzvoth, drafts of compositions and various ephemera.
· Printed ephemera: a receipt book and stamp of Va'ad Shemirat HaLashon; forms and paperwork of the "Committee for Religious Observance in the Holy Land"; notices of the death of Rabbi Shmuel Huminer; various proclamations and receipts.
Rabbi Shmuel Huminer (1913-1977) - a holy man, Torah scholar and Kabbalist, served G-d and pursued mitzvoth, prolific author and activist, dubbed the Chafetz Chaim of Jerusalem. He wrote several works on Shemirat HaLashon (guarding the tongue). He also studied the Bible and wrote compositions on the Bible and its correct method of study [this archive contains amazing articles and letters on this topic]. In his lifetime, he authored and printed more than 10 compositions which became rudimentary books of Halacha and of G-d's service and mitzvah observance. He also provided guidance for conducting a holy Jewish home and printed several books on this topic: Sefer Kedusha, Kavanot Nifla'ot and the Igrot Kodesh pamphlet [which stirred a fierce polemic. This archive contains interesting letters and writings on this topic]. He also wrote Olat HaTamid on kavanot and explanation of the prayers and his book Mitzvat HaBitachon was printed in many editions, in tens of thousands of copies and until this day, it is given by tsaddikim as a segulah.
For further details about the contents of the archive, see Hebrew description.
Thousands of leaves, size and condition vary.
Many items in this archive have been printed in the book "M'Pinkaso shel Eved HaMelech (Jerusalem, 2013).