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Lot 141

Tractate Eduyot - Printed by Daniel Bomberg - Venice, 1521 - First Edition - Long Glosses in Ancient Handwriting - With Sections of the Lost ROSH Commentary for Tractate Eduyot

Tractate Eduyot, with commentary of "the ‘great eagle' Rabbi Moshe bar Maimon". Venice, 1521. Printed by Daniel Bomberg. First edition.
With many long glosses in early Ashkenazi handwriting from the time of printing [c. 16th century]. From the first examination of the content of the glosses, this seems to be an important commentary which has not yet been printed, embedded with commentaries by the Rishonim on this tractate.
In several places are citations from a lost commentary of the ROSH [Rabbenu Asher] on Tractate Eduyot.
The commentary of the ROSH on Tractate Eduyot is cited a number of times by Rabbi Ya'akov Ibn Chabib in his book Ein Ya'akov (first printed in Salonika 1416-1422), from a manuscript in his possession. Apparently, he had access to the complete commentary of the ROSH on Tractate Eduyot which has been lost. In the glosses of this manuscript, are sections with the same content cited by Rabbi Y. Ibn Chabib in the name of the ROSH, but with variations. Evidently, the version in these glosses is the original version of the ROSH or at least closer to the original [since it seems that Rabbi Y. Ibn Chabib edited the ideas he cited in the name of the ROSH]. We do not know if the content of the other glosses also cite the ROSH, but probably more sections of the commentary of the ROSH on Eduyot are integrated into the glosses [However, it is possible that these glosses have been edited and revised by another writer who had integrated the commentary of the ROSH into his writings, since in the commentary of R. S. Sirilio on Tractate Eduyot (published by the Ahavat Shalom institute) appear quotations from the writings of the ROSH which are not included in this manuscript].
[8] leaves (complete, including title page). 38 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Detached leaves. The margins are cut affecting some of the glosses. Owners' inscriptions in Oriental writing: "Tzahalon Bohran". "I have purchased…Shlomo HaLevi".
A tractate from the first edition of the Talmud, printed by the famous Daniel Bomberg in Venice. This edition was the first printing of the complete Talmud, and it became the standard for all subsequent editions of the Talmud.
Wrirtten according to the opinion of Rabbi Bezalel Dvelitski.