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Tractate Avot and Masechtot Ketanot (Small Tractates) with the Vilna Gaon's Commentary - First Edition, Shklow, 1804 - Many Handwritten Glosses

Tractate Avot with the commentaries of Rashi and of "The true Torah prodigy, Rabbi of the entire Diaspora Rabbi Eliyahu Chassid"; with Avot D'Rabbi Natan and Masechtot Ketanot according to the version of the Vilna Gaon. Shklow, [1804]. First edition.
On the title page are various ownership inscriptions, and stamps of the ancient Beit Midrash Sha'arei Zion in Jerusalem. Copious handwritten marginalia (some damaged), by two or three writers in Ashkenazi handwriting [c. 19th century]. At the end of one gloss, the writer alludes to his name (Leaf 17/1).
82 leaves. 21.5 cm. Fair condition. Wear damages and worming. Restorations to title page and to introduction page. New binding.