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Collection of Books with Rebbes' Signatures and Inscriptions

Large collection of books, Chassidic and Kabbalistic books on prayer and Halacha. From the libraries of various rebbes. With signatures, ownership inscriptions, glosses and stamps.
· Books from the library of Rebbe Avraham Yissachar Englard of Radzyn (1910-2006) - including books with ownership inscriptions by Polish Rebbes and the family of the Radomsk Rebbes: Rebbe David Moshe HaCohen Rabinowitz, the Krimilov-Sosnovitza Rebbe; Rebbe Avraham Yehoshua HaLevi Rosenfel of Oświęcim (stamp and signature); etc.
· Books from the library of Rebbe Alter Eliezer Kahana of Spinka- Zhydachiv in Jerusalem (1937-2009), and from the library of his father Rebbe Yosef Meir Kahana of Spinka-Jerusalem (1909-1978). With interesting glosses and inscriptions in the handwriting of Rebbe Alter Eliezer.
· Zohar with the signature of Rebbe Chaim Aryeh Leifer of Uzhhorod (Ungvar). · Kaftor VaPerach - Kehillot Ya'akov. [Lemberg 1891]. With many signatures and stamps throughout the book of Rebbe Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira of Drohobych (1864-1924). · Siddur with a pasted note - for blessing and success, health and sustenance. With stamp of Rebbe Yitzchak Friedman of Buhuşi. · Zikaron LaRishonim - Volume of a set of books of Chassidic history which belonged to Rebbe Mordechai of Zlatopil'. · Shomer Emunim. Vilna 1882. Stamp of Rebbe Yechiel Natan Halberstam of Bardejov (1865-1933).
25 books in 17 volumes. Size and condition vary. A detailed list is available upon request.