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Lot 99

osh Yosef - Signatures of the First Spinka Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Meir Weiss, Author of Imrei Yosef

Rosh Yosef, on Tractate Chulin. By Rabbi Yosef Te'omim, author of Pri Megadim. Józefów, 1882.
On the title page is the signature of Rebbe "Yosef Meir Weiss son of R' Shmuel Zvi of Mukacheve". Three more signatures in his own handwriting, "Yosef Meir Weiss", additional signatures and stamps of Rabbi "Shmuel Schwartz" from the city of Mád, and more signatures and stamps.
Rebbe Yosef Meir Weiss, author of Imrei Yosef of Spinka (1838-1909), the first Spinka Rebbe, predecessor of the dynasty of Spinka rebbes. Son of Rabbi Shmuel Zvi Weiss Ra'avad of Mukacheve (see next item). Prominent Torah scholar and Chassid, disciple of the Maharam Ash, Rabbi Meir Eisensteter, Av Beit Din of Uzhhorod (Ungvár) and his son Rabbi Menachem Eisensteter, Av Beit Din of Uzhhorod. He also studied Torah from Rebbe Shmuel Shmelke of Vynohradiv (Selish), author of Tzror HaChaim, and from his uncle the Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Weiss of Svalyava.
From his youth, he clung to Chassidism and travelled to Rebbe Sar Shalom of Belz. He was also accustomed to travelling to Rebbe Menachem Mendel of Vizhnitz and to Rabbi Chaim of Sanz, author of Divrei Chaim. However, his primary rebbe was his relative, Rebbe Yitzchak Isaac of Zhydachiv - the Mahari, who considered him his most illustrious disciple and "would call him every day and speak to him for hours words of wisdom and fear of Heaven, and at times he studied with him the Holy Books, Torah and Talmud anthologies".
In 1870, his Rebbe, the Mahari of Zhydachiv appointed him rebbe, but he refused to receive Chassidim during his rebbe's lifetime. Only in 1876, did he concede to the instructions of his teacher Rebbe Chaim of Sanz who ordained him rebbe, and from that time he began receiving Chassidim in Spinka in the Maramureş region, where he lived. His name quickly spread throughout Hungary and Galicia and thousands of Chassidim became his disciples, among them many prominent Torah scholars such as Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Schwadron, the Maharsham of Berezhany. He also had close ties with tsaddikim of his times, Rebbe Yekutiel Yehuda Halberstam of Siget, author of Yitav Lev, Rabbi Yechezkel Shrage of Sieniawa, author of Divrei Yechezkel and others.
He was reputed for his amazing proficiency in revealed and hidden Torah. On the occasions that he would travel to Rabbi Chaim of Sanz, the rebbe "would welcome him heartily and he showed love and attachment to Rabbi Yosef Meir and would discuss with him at length Kabbalistic wisdom, although he would not talk about these matters with anyone". The Spinka Chassidism preserved the Zhydachiv version of prayer and conduct. His prayers inspired the Chassidic masses and are described as prayers with amazing powers, beyond human strength. Stories are told of the amazing wonders he performed, with blessings and counsel pronounced with the Holy Spirit. His son the Mahari of Spinka attests that his blessings "worked many wonders and that many childless women bore children by his prayers and his prayers cured the ill… I can almost say that every word which was emitted from his holy mouth did not return unanswered…". Even after his death, his grave was renowned as site for prayer for salvation. In 1972, his remains was brought to Eretz Israel and he was buried in the special burial plot of Spinka Chassidim in the Segulah cemetery in Petach Tikva.
232 pages, 30.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Wear and use marks. Old non-contemporary binding.