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Lot 88

Eight Chabad Books - 19th Century

Eight books by Chabad Rebbes and their disciples:
· Likutei Torah, Devarim and Shir HaShirim, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Zhitomir, 1848. Printed by the grandsons of the Slavita rabbi. (The title page is partly lacking). First edition. Stefansky Chassidut no. 297.
· Torah Or, Likutei Amarim according to the order that they appear in the Torah weekly portions, and the Festivals, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Zhitomir, [1862]. Printed by the grandsons of the Slavita rabbi. Second edition with additions. Stefansky Chassidut no. 612.
· Kuntress Perush HaMilot, Mahadura Batra of Perush HaMilot (glossary of words) in the siddur of the Ba'al HaTanya. Warsaw, 1867. First edition.
· Torat Chaim, homilies and explanations on the Torah weekly portions, letters by the Admor HaZaken, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Part 1, Bereshit-Chayei Sarah. Part 2, Toldot-VaYechi. Warsaw, 1866. Part 1 is a second edition, Part 2 is a first edition. Stefansky Chassidut 618. One of the two title pages of Part 1 is lacking.
· Ateret Rosh, on matters related to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and homilies on the subject of repentance, by the "middle" rebbe, Rebbe Dov Ber Schneerson of Lubavitch. "As printed in Kopys' in 1821". [Johannesburg] (Prussia), [c. 1860].
· Avodat HaLevi, homilies on the Torah by Rabbi Aharon HaLevi of Starasel'lye [disciple of Ba'al HaTanya]. [Lvov] Warsaw, 1842-1866. Parts 2-4 on Bamidbar and Devarim (Part 2 is bound after Parts 3-4). First edition.
Stefansky Chassidut 450-451.
· Shnei HaMe'orot, Chassidic articles by Rebbe Dov Ber Schneerson of Lubavitch. Lvov, [1882].
· Beit Aharon V'Hosafot, index for the Talmud and Midrashim according to the order of the Torah, by Rabbi Avraham Dov Lavat Av Beit Din of Nikolayev. Vilna, 1880. First edition. Signature and stamp of the author Rabbi Avraham Dov Lavat on the title page.
8 books. Size and condition vary.