Lot 84
Hechal HaBeracha - Complete Set of the Five Books of the Torah - USA
Five Books of the Torah and five Megillot, with Hechal HaBeracha commentary, based on the secrets of the Ari and the Ba'al Shem Tov by Rebbe Ya'akov Yehuda Yechiel Safrin Av Beit Din of Komarno. [New York, 1950]. Colorful title pages and frames for all pages. Stereotype printing of the 1864-1874 Lemberg edition.
Introductions of the publishers of this second edition are included together with a letter by the author to Hungarians, about the distribution of Chumashim with his holy commentary. He gives a special blessing and writes the segulah of his holy books: "…And I assure that anyone who has our Chumash in his home will be preserved from anything bad and any misfortune and illness and lack, and his home will be full with G-d's blessing and all good, success, wealth and long life for himself and his children… with children, life and sustenance and kindness and mercy and scales tipped in his favor and long life".
The Heichal HaBracha Chumashim by the Mahari of Komarno, basic books of Hassidic thought and kabbalah, were very cherished by Rebbes of all circles (Zhidichov, the Divrei Chaim and his descendants, Rebbe Shalom ber of Lubavitch and others).
5 volumes, 31 cm. Very good condition. Contemporary binding.