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Lot 70

Collection of Books Printed by the Shapira Family in Slavita and Zhitomir

Collection of seven books (including siddurim and Tehillim) printed by the Shapira family - sons of the Korets-Slavita Rebbes:
· Siddur Korban Mincha V'Seder Tehillim im Ma'amadot. [Slavita?, unknown edition. Lacking title page and several other first pages of the compilation of laws. Separate title page of Tehillim and for Ma'amadot]. · Siddur Tikunei Shabbat. [Slavita, unknown edition. Copy lacking at beginning and at end. Very damaged]. · Tehillim with Ivri-teitch (Yiddish) translation and Seder Ma'amadot. [Zhitomir, c. 1850-1860]. Lacking title page and 2 leaves at the end of Seder Ma'amadot. Wear and use stains. · Chovat HaLevavot, Part 2 of Rabbeinu Bechaye HaZaken. Zhitomir, 1850. Printed by the Shapira brothers, grandsons of the Slavita Rabbi. Worming. · Mishnayot Seder Taharot with the commentaries of Rabbi Ovadya of Bartenura and Ikar Tosfot Yom Tov. Zhitomir, 1862. Printed by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapira. Good-fair condition. · Tz'ena U'Rena on the Torah and on Megillot. Zhitomir 1852. Printed by the Shapira brothers, grandsons of the Slavita rabbi. Wear and stains. Paper gluing to title page. · Tur Orach Chaim. With the Beit Yosef. Zhitomir, 1859. Printed by the brothers Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Shapira.
7 books, size and condition vary. Some copies are damaged and lacking.