Lot 362
Anti-Semitic Booklet with a Woodcut - Assassination of the Governing Mayor of Heidelberg by a Jew - Germany, 18th Century
Ein wehmuthig und höchst-kläglich Gesprach zwischen zweyen Kauffleuten in Leipzig gehalten / wegen der Mordthat, welche an Herrn Friederich Bleichard Gabeln [conversation… between two merchants in Leipzig / about the assassination of Friederich Bleichard Gebel]. Offenbach: Gerhard Groot, [18th century]. German.
An anti-Semitic booklet, telling the story of the assassination of the Governing Mayor of Heidelberg, Friederich Bleichard Gabel, in 1738, by the Jew Mayer Moses von Grumbach. A woodcut depicting the incident appears on the first page.
The assassination of Heidleberg's Governing Mayor by Jews is mentioned in a number of other books from the 18th century. According to those books, the Jew Mayer Moses von Grumbach was convicted and executed in 1741 (see following item).
[8] pp, 21 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Folding marks, creases, tears and wear (damaging the woodcut and the text below it).
Rare. Not in OCLC.