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Lot 310

A Rare Document Signed by Friends of Rabbi Gershon of Kuty and Leaders of the Ashkenazi-Chassidic Community in Jerusalem - 1764

A rare document signed by R. Aryeh Yehuda Meisels of Apta and Rabbi Moshe Katzenellenbogen of Stryj, friends of Rabbi Gershon of Kuty and Leaders of the Ashkenazi-Chassidic Community in Jerusalem.
Marriage contract in preparation of a wedding, with two signatures of R. Aryeh Yehuda Meisels of Apta, and two signatures of R. Moshe Katzenellenbogen [Jerusalem], Cheshvan 1764.
"Kinyan between the Chacham R. M. Uziel and the woman Ms. Rachel. They should wed one another with good luck…" - a detailed contract of the monies the woman will give her husband and the husband's obligations of her ketubah and of her support.
Kabbalist R. Aryeh Yehuda Leib Meisels of Apta, son of R. Alexander Meisels and grandson of R. Leib Chassid, Rabbi of Lviv. He led the Jerusalem Ashkenazi community together with R. Avraham Gershon of Kuty, brother-in-law of the Ba'al Shem Tov. On Rosh Chodesh Iyar 1754, R. Meisels signed a letter (together with R. Gershon of Kuty) on behalf of the Jerusalem community requesting assistance from the Metz community. He also signed more letters to the Metz community in 1763 and in 1765 (Encyclopedia L'Toldot Chachmei Aretz, Vol. 1, p. 227; see also Toldot Chachmei Yerushalayim, Vol 3, Chapter 2; Birkat Ha'Aretz Folio 65/a-67/b).
R. Moshe son of R. Yitzchak Katzenelbogin of Stryj, grandson of R. Ya'akli Schorr Rabbi of Brisk D'Lita (Brest), also signed the letters sent by the Jerusalem Ashkenazi community in 1763 and 1765.
In the 18th century, members of the small Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem concealed their identity in order to evade the authorities and the Muslim population. From the time of the crisis of the debts owed by the community of Ashkenazi immigrants (the disciples of R. Yehuda HaChassid) and the burning of the Hurva Synagogue in 1721, an Ashkenazi Jew did not dare show his real identity and would change his appearance by donning the garb of a Sephardic Jew. After R. Avraham Gershon immigrated from Kuty, he first settled in Hebron and only in 1753 did he move to Jerusalem. This is an especially rare document bearing the signatures of the rabbis of the small Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem during the 18th century.
Leaf, 22 cm. Fair condition. Damages to right margin, affecting text and second signature of R. Moshe Katzenelbogin, with restoration. Left margin cutoff in the middle of the text.