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Collection of Rabbinic Letters - Eretz Israel

Varied collection of letters from rabbis. Eretz Israel and other countries. 19th and 20th centuries.
* Ruling of Beit Din signed by the rabbis of Safed: R. Shmuel Heller, R. Refael Zilberman, and others. Safed, [1871]. * Handwritten, signed letter from R. Moshe Kliers, rabbi of Tiberias, to R. Avraham Leib Zilberman, rabbi of Safed. Tiberias, [1932]. * Smicha (approbation) for a shochet signed by the dayanim of the Chassidic Beit Din in Jerusalem: R. Lipman David Shubkes, R. Yosef Yehuda Halevi and R. Toviah Aryeh Goldberger. Jerusalem, 1901. * Letter of recommendation for a shochet with the signatures of eight rabbis and shochetim on the official stationary of the "Agudas Hashochetim BeLublin". 1927. * Handwritten, signed letter from R. Moshe David Ostreicher, rabbi of Tchimpa. Brooklyn, NY. * Letter signed by R. Mordechai Yaakov Breish, Zurich, 1959. * Letter signed by R. Yaakov Landau, Bnei Brak, 1954. * Handwritten, signed halachic letter from R. Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss (author of "Minchat Yitzchak"). Manchester, 1963. * Letter from the Bada"tz Eida Hachareidit, signed by the "Scribe of the Beit Din", R. Avraham Chaim Na'eh. Jerusalem, 1941. * Letter from the Bada"tz Eida Hachareidit signed by the head of the Beit Din R. Moshe Aryeh Freund. Jerusalem, 1996. * Letter from the Bada"tz Eida Hachareidit signed by the dayanim R. Meir Bransdorfer, R. Avraham Yitzchak Ullman, and R. Naftali Herzka Frankel. Jerusalem, 2008. * Other items.
13 Letters. Size and condition vary.