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Lot 279

Collection of Letters and Documents - Jerusalem and Eretz Israel, 19th and 20th Centuries

Collection of varied letters and documents, printed items and receipts. Jerusalem and Eretz Israel, [ca. 1880-1960]
Among the items: * Letters sent from around the world to R. Shmuel Salant and to communal institutions in Jerusalem. Letters regarding halacha, charity and community issues. Letters from charity collectors. Letters of recommendation and various lists. * Letter from R. Yaakov Berlin to R. Yosef Rivlin. Shklov, [1886?]. * Handwritten, signed letter from R. Aryeh Leib Dayan (Hershler), and a letter from R. Aryeh Leib Hacohen. Sivan (June) 1910. * Letter of recommendation from the Va'ad Hamoshava (community council) of Metulla, to the "Agudat Ezrat Hagalil" in New York, regarding the "Beit Hatavshil" (soup kitchen) in Safed. Metulla, 1931. * Interesting letter from R. Matityahu Ashkenazi (Deutsch). United States, [1930]. * Birth certificate for the daughter of R. Avraham Leib Zilberman, rabbi of Safed. * and other interesting letters and documents.
Approx. 30 items. Size and condition vary.