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Lot 272

Autograph Responsum Signed by Rabbi Moshe Provençal - Torah Scholar and Associate of the Beit Yosef

Autograph responsum regarding Sirtut (straight lines etched on parchment) for Torah scrolls, tefillin and mezuzot, signed by R. Moshe Provençal. [Mantua (Mantova), Italy, before 1576, 16th century].
Handwritten by the author, with corrections and erasures. Folding creases. This responsum was printed in the Rabbi Moshe Provençal responsa, Part 1, Siman 35.
R. Moshe Provençal (1503-1576) was a leading Italian Torah scholar, contemporary of Maran R. Yosef Karo and the Maharam of Padua. Celebrated as one of the foremost Torah scholars and poskim of his illustrious times. His reputation crossed the Italian borders and reached as far as Poland and Lithuania. One responsum, written in 1551 was included and printed in the Rama responsa. The Safed sages headed by Maran R. Yosef Karo maintained contact with R. Moshe and in spite of their disagreement regarding a polemic which arose between them, they refer to him as the "Chief R. Moshe, whom we cherish". R. Moshe, son of R. Joseph di Trani - the Mabit, a Safed sage, in his responsa refers to him as "the rabbi who battles for the sake of the Torah, and his name is famous". R. Azarya min Ha'Adumim attests in his book Me'or Einayim, that R. Yosef Karo allotted the task of publishing his Kesef Mishneh commentary on the Mishneh Torah of the Ramban to R. Moshe Provençal. Kabbalist R. Menachem Azarya (the Rama) of Fano was a younger contemporary of R. Moshe Provençal and some say that he was his disciple in his youth because he signs a letter written to R. Moshe "Your young disciple". [The Rama of Fano, as well, contributed to the printing of the Kesef Mishne, possibly by the initiative of R. Moshe Provençal].
15.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Wear and tears to margins. Folding creases. Several inscriptions on verso.