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Six Manuscripts - Ashmorot - Yemen

Six Yemenite manuscripts of Ashmorot (Selichot for the month of Elul):
* Manuscript, Seder Ashmorot, with Hatarat Nedarim (annulment of vows) for Erev Rosh Hashanah. [Yemen, 19th century]. 20 leaves (complete). * Manuscript, "Selichot L'Leilei Elul" [Ashmorot]. [Yemen, 19th century]. 22 leaves (complete). * Manuscript, Ashmorot. [Yemen, 20th century]. Handsome vowelized script. Colophon, adorned at its end. 10 leaves (complete). * Manuscript, Ashmorot. [Yemen, 19th century]. Pocket edition. 16 leaves (incomplete). * Manuscript, Ashmorot. [Yemen, 18th/19th century]. 16 leaves (incomplete). * Manuscript, Ashmorot. [Yemen, 19th century]. 10 leaves (incomplete).
Six manuscripts. Size and condition vary.