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Lot 244

Manuscript, Machzor for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot - North Africa, 17th Century

Manuscript, collection of leaves removed from a "bindings' geniza" - Machzor for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. [North Africa, ca. 17th century].
32 leaf fragments, including many piyyutim, some unique to the communities of Algeria and Tunis [these include piyyutim by R. Yitzchak of Gerona: "The soul of those who fear you", "Earth prostrates itself", "The strong one who loves you", and others that are recited according to the custom of Algiers, Constantine, Tlemcen and Tunis].
32 leaf fragments. Height: approx. 24 cm. Width varies. Various levels of damage. The pages have been professionally cleaned and repaired and are bound in a leather binding.
Enclosed is a detailed list of the piyyutim in the manuscript and the names of their authors.