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Collection of Handwritten Leaves and Pamphlets - Poems for Hachnasat Sefer Torah and for the Synagogue - Italy and Holland, 18th and 19th Centuries

* Handwritten pamphlet, song in honor of a hachnasat sefer Torah in a Rotterdam synagogue, by "Shmuel, called Zenvil son of Avraham Amringa of Rotterdam". 1767. Four-leaf (7 written pages) pamphlet. Square cursive Ashkenazi script.
* Handwritten leaf, poems for the wedding and dedication of a Sefer Torah in honor of the wedding of the groom Moshe Chaim son of Asher Fano of Modena with the bride Firla daughter of Yosef Chai Nachman (Konsolo) of Ancona. Autographic writing with erasures and corrections. [Modena, 1781]. [1] leaf ([2] pages). These poems were printed that same year in Modena under the title Shir U'Shevachot. Another leaf was printed in honor of the same event titled Kol Rina V'Yeshua. See Bibliography of the Hebrew Book, no. 156446.
* Handwritten leaf, written on both sides - song in honor of a hachnasat Sefer Torah in Nijmegen (Holland), by "Efraim bar Yoel Bechhofen". 1789. Square cursive Ashkenazi writing. [1] leaf ([2] pages).
* Handwritten leaf, song for hachnasat Sefer Torah, by "R. Nachman Shlomo". [Italy], Sukkot 1813. [1] page.
* Handwritten pamphlet, Zivchei Tzedek - poem in honor of a hachnasat Sefer Torah in the Casale Monferrato (Italy) community, 1827. Four-leaf pamphlet (7 written pages). Authored and written in Alessandria by "Matitya of the HaLevi family…".
* Handwritten leaf, poem for hachnasat Sefer Torah donated by "…Eliyahu Segari and his sons and grandchildren". [Italy, ca. 19th century].
* Handwritten leaf, poem in honor of the dedication of a synagogue. [Italy, ca. 19th century]. Names of officials mentioned at the end: "R. Yehuda Chaim Voltira", "The wealthy Yirmiya Peretz", "The wealthy Ya'akov Lampronti", "Yedidya Tzoref". [1] leaf ([2] pages).
* Handwritten leaf, poem in honor of a donor of a Sefer Torah, "R. Yonatan son of the late Yehuda HaLevi". Mondovi (Piedmont region, Italy), 1879. Author's signature: "Yeshaya HaLevi".
* Two leaves of a handwritten pamphlet, hachnasat Sefer Torah of the Neve Shalom society. [The Netherlands], 1867. The leaves include the Hebrew title page, the Dutch title page with a Dutch text on its verso. [2] leaves ([3] pages).
9 handwritten items, size and condition vary.