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Lot 163

Sefer Berurei Hamiddot - Prague 1807 - Long Dedication for Wedding Gift, Handwritten and Signed by Rabbi Shmuel Leib Kauder, Author of "Olat Shmuel"

Sefer Berurei Hamiddot, regarding the laws of Halachic measurements of boundaries and eruvin, by R. Tobias Segal of Horzicz (Horice). Prague, 1807. Approbations of Prague rabbis and R. Mordechai Banet, rabbi of Nikolsburg. At the end of the volume are three illustrated plates - geometric calculations.
On the reverse of the title page is a long dedication handwritten and signed by R. Shmuel Leib Kauder: "A present to a man of elevated personal characteristics [a play on the book's Hebrew title], my friend, the delight of my soul, the groom… accomplished and wise, one who truly fears G-d… R. Eliezer---may his light shine / I send this gift as a token of my love on his wedding day… May he rejoice his entire life with the bride of his youth, for he had found good… Such is the blessing of one who loves him and will rejoice in his happiness always, Shmuel Leib Kauder".
R. Shmuel Kauder (1766-1838), "The Ga'on of Prague", was a close associate of R. Bezalel Ronsburg, and served as dayan in his Beit Din in Prague. He was a prominent disciple of R. Michael Bachrach, rabbi of Prague, and later became the disciple of R. Elazar Kalir, author of Or Chadash in Kolín. He resided in Kalady (Kolodeje), and from 1812 served as rabbi in the communities of Tábor and Budweis in Bohemia. In 1835 he was appointed as rabbi in Prague, where he taught Torah and was renowned as a prominent rabbinical authority. From his many compositions only Responsa Olat Shmuel (on section Orach Chaim), Sefer Ahavat Emet (sermons) and Sefer Zikaron BaSefer (on tractate Megillah) were printed.
56 leaves, [3] folded plates. 22 cm. (illustrated plates 24.5 cm). High quality paper. Good condition. Stains and creases. Original binding with leather spine; worn.
The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book #000142887 lists only [2] illustrated plates, while this volume contains [3]. The Vinograd-Rosenfeld disk lists a copy without plates.