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Lot 162

Zera Berach Shlishi - Halle, 1714 - Signature of the "Aruch LaNer" - Other Ancient Signatures and Dedications

Sefer Zera Berach Shlishi, commentary on the words of the Talmudic sages, by R. Brechiah Berach Darshan, rabbi of Klimontow. Halle, 1714. First edition.
On the title page is a signature in the handwriting of the author of the "Aruch LaNer": "Yaakov ben R. Aharon Ettlingen, may his light shine", with his stamp from the time he was rabbi in Altona.
R. Yaakov Ettlinger (1798-1872) was the rabbi of Altona and its environs, where he spearheaded the fight against Reform Judaism. He was the founder and editor of the Orthodox "Shomer Tzion Hane'eman". Many of Germany's rabbis were his students, including R. Samson Rephael Hirsch and R. Ezriel Hildesheimer. He authored "Aruch LaNer" on the Talmud, "Bikurei Yaakov", "Responsa Binyan Tzion", "Minchat Ani" on the Torah, and others. His books remain basic texts of Talmudic and Halachic study until today.
When his book "Bikkurei Yaakov" was published in 1836, it was highly regarded by R. Akiva Eiger, who added glosses and comments to his copy, much as he would do with books authored by earlier great Torah leaders.
Various other signatures and dedications from the period of printing (Germany and Austria, early 18th century): "I gave this volume as a gift to HeChaver…R. Itzik Homel Segal…Shalom ben R. Shimon Akiva Ber…" [R. Shimon Akiva Ber was a Viennese Kabbalist, author of the "Avodat Haborei" siddur. He was exiled from Vienna with the entire Jewish community in 1669, and subsequently served as rabbi in Zeckendorf and Schnaittach. In 1694 he became rabbi in Gunzenhausen and dayan in its environs, a position he held until his passing in 1714. His son R. Shalom passed away in Vienna in 1767 - see enclosed material].
A further dedication on the title page reads: "Given to me by the scholar R. Itzik Homel on my wedding day… the small Meir Segal [of Kibletz?]".
[1], 37 leaves. 32.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Original leather binding with cloth tape spine.
Glued onto the inner covers are printed leaves with Day of Atonement prayers, evidently taken from prayerbooks printed in Halle during that time period.