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Lot 718


1. Schriften des Karäerthums, Prof. Julius Fürst. Leipzig, 1862-1865. "History of Karaites" – Two volumes on the history of the Karaites, the development of their movement, and their writings, with a list of sources and quotations in Hebrew. 186, 122 pages, 19.5 cm. Good condition. Unoriginal binding.
Julius Fürst: German Jewish historian. Lecturer on Oriental languages in Leipzig University. Creator of the Jewish-German journal "Orient".
2. Die Karäische Literatur der letzten dreissig Jahre 1878-1908, Samuel Poznański. Frankfurt am-Main, 1910. Karaite literature of the last thirty years. 27 pages, 21.5 cm. Good condition, unoriginal binding.
Samual Abraham Posnansky, reform Polish rabbi. Researcher who was an expert in Karaite Judaism and the Hebrew calendar.