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Lot 97

Collection of Kabbalistic Books - Printed in Oriental Countries

Eight kabbalistic books printed in Oriental countries:
1. Ru'ach David and Nishmat David, kabbalistic commentary on the Idra Raba and on Shir HaShirim, by R. David di Medina. Salonika, [1747]. Signatures on title page: "Ye'uda Zerachya (several signatures), "Daniel Refael Mordoch".
2. Sha'ar Pitchei Levanon, kabbalistic topics, by R. Shneur Feivush son of Menachem Menush of Bolechów. [Livorno? Amsterdam?], [1753-1755?]. Printed without title page, in sequences, in various locations. This copy differs from the copy in the NLI (which belonged to Gershom Shalom). This copy has leaves which do not exist in the NLI copy (and are not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book), however, the NLI copy has eight leaves which do not exist in this copy (see Bibliography of the Hebrew Book, Listing 000171024).
3. Chemdat Yamim, Part 4, for the month of Elul, Rosh Hashanah and the High Holidays. Livorno, [1764].
4. Hora'at Sha'a, commentary on Kavanot HaTefillah of the Ari, by R. Shlomo ben Yehuda HaCohen. Salonika, [1818]. Signature on title page: "Moshe Aharon".
5-6. Olat Tamid, Kabbalistic matters and commentary on prayer by R. Chaim Vital, edited by R. Ya'akov Tzemach. [Salonika, 1854]. Lacking title page. Bound with: * Bnei Aharon, commentary on Sha'ar HaGilgulim by the Maharchu, by R. Shimon Aharon Agassi. Baghdad, [1908].
7. VeShav HaCohen, Torah secrets and gematri'ot. Livorno, [1788].
8. Zohar Chadash, Part 1, on the Torah. Izmir, [1868]. Stamps: "R. Menachem Mendel…".
8 books in 7 volumes. Size and condition vary.