Lot 439
Large Diverse Collection - Pictures of Rabbis and Rebbes
Diverse collection of hundreds of photographs and portraits of rabbis, rebbes and heads of yeshivot, from various times. "Private" family photos, professional photos and printed portraits. [Most of the images are from c. 1970-1980, some from the 50s and 60s].
· Printed portrait - of the Kabbalist R. Mordechai Rosenblatt, Rabbi of Ashmyany [Warsaw, 1906 - damaged]. · Passport photos of yeshiva students and young men [Jerusalem, 1950s]. · Photographs of meetings of rabbis and of public figures and of receptions for donors. · Photographs of Rebbes and heads of Yeshiva visiting the sick in a hospital. · Photos of events and joyous occasions at Chassidic courts. · Portraits of rabbis, size varies.
Among the rabbis in the photographs: the Rebbes of Vizhnitz, Belz, Ger, Zvhil, Slonim, Nadvorne, Rachmistrivka, Biala, Karlin, Sadigura, etc. · Photos of R. Schach, R. Elyashiv, R. Wosner, R. Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, R. Chaim Leib Auerbach, R. David Povarsky, R. Abba Berman, R. Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg, R. Yehuda Tzadka, R. Mordechai Eliyahu, R. Moshe Hillel Hirsh, R. Shmuel Auerbach, etc.
Approximately 300 original photos and reproduction and approximately 30 printed pictures. Size varies: aprrox. 3 cm. to 25 cm. Condition varies.