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Lot 373

Eight Books on Astronomy and Devising Calendars

Eight book on astronomy, calculations of New Moons and tekufot (solstices), with charts and illustrations:
· Kitzur HaIbronot, by R. Baruch Bendet of Kamyenyets (Kamenets). Lvov, 1825. Lacking last leaf. · Minchat Cohen, by R. Avraham Pimentel, on the laws of bein hashemashot. Lvov, 1841. · Tiferet Zvi, on the calculation of tekufot and New Moons, by R. Zvi Hirsh Albinger. Warsaw, 1860. Ownership inscriptions (from the city of Tomashuv dated 1862 and 1884). · Shevilei HaRakia, by R. Eliyahu HaCohen of Hechim. Warsaw, 1863. Printed and bound with the book Bikurei HaLimudiyot, by R. Baruch Shlomo Lowenstein. Warsaw, 1863. · She'erit Ya'akov, explanation of the wisdom of astrology in the Talmud, by R. Meshulam Zalman Ya'akov Haberman. Vilna, 1884. · Itim L'Binah, by R. Yosef Ginzburg. Warsaw, 1889. The plates at the end of the book are damaged and partly lacking. · Chochmat Tekufot U'Mazalot, by R. Ze'ev Wolf Gershtal. Lvov, 1907. At the end of the book is a large folded leaf of a map of the constellations opposite a cardboard wheel which turns on its pivot. Lacking [1] last leaf - a list of errata. · Hakitza Lifkod, by Ya'akov Aryeh Leib Chernomerdik. Vilna, [1910]. Not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book nor in the NLI (bookmark of R. Yehuda Leib Maimon).
8 books. Size and condition vary. Some unbound.