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Lot 269

Collection of Letters by Rebbes and Rabbis

Diverse collection of letters and invitations by rabbis and rebbes.
· Two autograph letters of New Year greetings signed by the Seret-Vizhnitz Rebbe Eliezer Hager. Haifa, 1972-1974. · Long interesting autograph letter signed by Rebbe Zvi Hirsh Rosenbaum [from Kretshnif (Crăciuneşti, Romania)]. "Kfar Ata" [Kiryat Ata], 1956. · Two letters from the kabbalist R. Yosef Menachem Weinstock to the Radzyn Rebbe in Bnei Brak. Jerusalem, 1982-1992. Including the original envelopes. · Letter signed by the Munkatch Rebbe Baruch Yerachmiel Rabinowitz. Holon, 1967. · Autograph letter of recommendation for hachnasat kalla, signed by R. Ya'akov Meir Shechter, a leader of Breslev Chassidim. Cheshvan 1996. · Draft of a contract between mechutanim regarding a match (shidduch), handwritten and signed by the Rebbe [on the verso is a handwritten inscription: "The Rebbe's own handwriting", apparently, the handwriting of the Belzer Rebbe]. · Printed invitation to a wedding with a personal invitation signed by the Skvira Rebbe David Twersky. Skvira, New York, Kislev 2014. · Printed invitation to a wedding, inscribed by the Kretshnif-Rehovot Rebbe Menachem Eliezer Ze'ev Rosenbaum. Adar 2015.
10 items, size and condition vary. Overall good condition.