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Lot 257

Letter by Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil Kallech - Unknown Document on the Polemic of the Sanz and Dinov Chassidim on the Issue of the Bukowsko Rabbinate

Long interesting letter, handwritten and signed by R. Shmuel Zanvil of Ustrzyki Dolne, to R. Yitzchak Aharon Itinga, Ra'avad of Lvov. [Ustrzyki Dolne, Galicia, after 1876].
In this letter, written before he moved to Eretz Israel, R. Shmuel Zanvil apologizes and explains the problematic situation which he encountered in his activities to arrange a financial support for his aliya to Eretz Israel due to the disagreement between the Sanz Chassidim and the Dinov Chassidim regarding the position of Rabbi of Bukowsko. The Sanz Chassidim supported the nomination of R. A. son-in-law of the Chrzanów Rabbi, whereas the Dinov Chassidim supported R. Meir Yehuda Shapira [son of R. David of Dinov]. In the end, the Dinov Chassidim overcame their opponents and appointed R. Meir Yehuda Shapira. R. Shapira had the practice of never ruling any question or court case, [following the tradition of his holy father of Dinov who would not respond to halachic questions], and therefore he requested that R. Shmuel Zanvil [whose wife was related to the family of the Dinov Rebbe] to join him in Bukowsko and serve as posek. The entire community ("on his side") agreed to this and wanted to draw up a contract for three years "But my habit is to flee from disputes, how much more so not to enter a dispute, therefore I refrained…". He further explains that this affected his current situation, that the gaba'im of Eretz Israel (who were connected to the Sanz Chassidim in Bukowsko) would not approve financial support for his immigration to Eretz Israel.
R. Shmuel Zanvil Kallech (died in Safed in 1883), son of R. Yeshaya Zalman Rabbi of Ustrzyki Dolne (Galicia) who was the son-in-law of Rebbe Shmuel Zanvil Beer Rabbi of Ustrzyki Dolne (disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin and of the Magid of Koznitz, died in 1826). His wife, Freida Kallech (died in Safed in 1909) was the great-grandaughter of Rebbe Zvi Elimelech of Dinov, author of Bnei Yissaschar - her mother, Rebbetzin of Turka was the daughter of R. Moshe Sheinfeld, son-in-law of R. Zvi Elimelech of Dinov.
Leaf [2 written pages]. 22.5 cm. Fair condition. Blue, thin stationery, creased and worn, with open tears to margins, affecting text.