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Lot 254

Collection of Letters by Rabbis

Diverse collection of letters by rabbis in Eretz Israel and abroad, c. 1930s-1990s.
· An interesting letter regarding desecration of Shabbat in Chanita. R. Baruch Marcus, Chief Rabbi of Haifa. 1938. · Two interesting letters. R. Pinchas Epstein. Ra'avad of the Eda HaCharedit. · Autograph letter and mussar essay signed by R. Ya'akov Neiman, head of the Or Yisrael Yeshiva, Petach Tikva. · Other letters by: R. Avraham Leib Zilberman, R. Chaim Zevulun Charlap, R. Binyamin Mendelson, R. Shimshon Aharon Polonsky, R. Shalom Natan Ra'anan Kook, R. Chaim Shaul Karelitz, R. Amram Blau, and others. (For further details, see Hebrew description).
24 letters, most written on official stationery. Size and condition vary.