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Lot 133

Noam Megadim - Dedication of the Author of Arugot HaBosem

Noam Megadim and Kavod HaTorah, by R. Eliezer HaLevi Horowitz, Rabbi of Tarnogród, [disciple of R. Yechiel Michel of Złoczew and of R. Elimelech of Leżajsk (Lizhensk), disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin and of the Magid of Kozienice]. Mukacheve, 1905.
Before the title page is a dedication (8 lines) handwritten and signed by R. Moshe Greenwald Rabbi of Chust, who gave the book as a wedding gift to his disciple "Outstanding in Torah and fear of G-d R. Gedalya Goldstein".
The famous Torah scholar R. Moshe Ben-Amram Greenwald (1853-1910, HaChatam Sofer Ve'Talmidav p. 521), was a prominent Hungarian rabbi and head of yeshiva. Disciple of R. Menachem Katz Prostitz of Deutschkreutz (Zelem) and disciple of the Ktav Sofer in Pressburg. In his youth, he headed a yeshiva in his hometown Cherna, later serving in the rabbinate of several Hungarian communities and as Rabbi of Chust from 1893. Although he studied in the yeshiva of the Chatam Sofer, he was affiliated with Chassidism and would travel to the Belz and Siget rebbes. In Chust, he established his court and expanded his yeshiva which eventually became one of the largest yeshivas in Hungary. Disciples from all over the country and abroad flocked to his yeshiva and many Hungarian rabbis were his disciples. He was renowned for his compositions Arugat HaBosem on Halacha and Aggadah. His son was Rabbi Ya'akov Yechizkiya Greenwald Av Bet Din and Rebbe of Papa, and his grandson is Rebbe Yosef Greenwald of Papa, who established the Papa Chassidism in America after the Holocaust.
103 leaves. 23 cm. Fair condition. Wear and worming. Tears to first leaves. Fabric binding and library stamps.