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Lot 114

Eshed HaNechalim - Book by the Author of Arvei Nachal, Published Anonymously at the Author's Behest - Livorno, 1821

Eshed HaNechalim, novellae on the teachings of the Magen Avraham and Turei Zahav on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim and samples of responsa from the book Ne'ot Deshe; by the author of Arvei Nachal, R. David Shlomo Eibeschutz, Rabbi of Soroca and one of the leading Torah scholars of Safed. Livorno, [1821].
Pasted on the binding is a leaf with a printed dedication by the publisher, without name of a recipient.
On the title page is another dedication in Oriental handwriting, a signature in an Ashkenazi handwriting and stamps of R. "Moshe Chaim Weiss" of Kisvárda (Kleinwardein).
The book was published anonymously. In the introduction by the publisher, R. Yisrael Nachman of Drohobych, author of Chemdat Yisrael, he writes that he knows the author from their youth in Poland and that after their immigration to Safed they studied together. He then writes that he is obligated to praise the author and recount his greatness, but the author has not allowed him to mention his name regarding his compositions.
In the approbation of the Livorno scholars, they also write that it is befitting to mention the author's attributes and his exalted greatness and holiness but "he has commanded that nobody mention his name regarding the book… but his teachings in this book attest to his greatness and that he is an illustrious Torah scholar… (and wrote) apt explanations according to the true interpretation of the Torah comprehending the intent of the two leading poskim, the author of Turei Zahav and the author of the Magen Avraham…".The author, Rabbi David Shlomo Eybeschutz (1755-1814, Encyclopedia of Chassidut, Vol. 1, pages 501-503) was an eminent Chassidic figure and rabbi in Khorostkiv and Soroca who emigrated to Safed in 1809. His relative, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv wrote about him in his approbation "sharp and proficient in Torah like the early scholars and all his deeds are for the sake of Heaven". His books are widely accepted as basic texts of Halachic and Chassidic thought.
The publisher: R. Yisrael Nachman of Drohobych, son of Rabbi Yosef of Drohobych (disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov), was a rabbi in Galicia, Poland and Hungary. He traversed throughout many countries and moved to Safed; on his way to Eretz Israel in 1804, tarried in Livorno and became friendly with the Chida who heard from R. Yisrael Nachman stories about the Ba'al Shem Tov and the Chassidic movement, passed down to him by his father R. Yosef who was a disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov. The Chida later cited these accounts in his books. In 1820 he printed the book Chemdat Yisrael in Livorno (see next item) and in 1821 printed this book Eshed HaNechalim in Livorno with a small anthology of the teachings of his friend the Rebbe, author of Arvei Nachal, glosses on the Shulchan Aruch and passages from the book of the Ne'ot Deshe responsa [printed completely in Lemberg in 1861].
[4], 32, 37-40 leaves. 18.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Tear to Leaf 1. Contemporary binding, worn and lacking back board.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 70. One of the few Chassidic books Printed in Livorno [very few Chassidic books were printed in the East and Balkans, Greece and Livorno. Only four Chassidic books were printed in Livorno itself, all by R. Yisrael Nachman of Drohobych. Two of them are offered for sale in this catalog. See next item].