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Lot 105

Sha'arei Zion - Zhitomir, 1856

Sha'arei Zion, prayers and revisions, with appended works: Tikun Se'uda and Sefer Yetzirah, by R. Nathan Neta Hannover. Zhitomir, 1856. Printing press of R. Aryeh Leib Shapira grandson of the Slavita Rabbi.
On a page preceding the title page is a stamp of R. "Aharon Mendel son of R. N. HaCohen" - Safed (Rabbi of Cairo who renewed the semicha ritual) and ownership inscriptions.
275, 277-392 pages (mispagination). Approximately 18 cm. Condition varies among the leaves, fair-good. Some leaves are heavily stained and worn. Worming (affecting the text of some leaves). Contemporary worn damaged binding.