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Siddur Tikunei Shabbat with Derech HaChaim - Nusach Sefarad - With Passover Haggadah - Slavita-Józefów, 1842 - Copy with Especially Wide Margins

Siddur Tikunei Shabbat with Derech HaChaim by R. Ya'akov of Lissa, Sefarad tradition. Two parts in one volume. Józefów "In the printing press formerly in Slavita", 1842. Printed "Under the supervision of R. Chanina Lipa Shapira, grandson of the Slavita Rabbi". Three title pages.
Contains prayers for weekdays, Shabbat, Festivals and the High-Holidays, with the Passover Haggadah, Selichot, Yotzrot and Hosha'anot, arranged by R. Moshe of Działoszyn, combined with the halachic composition Derech HaChaim by R. Ya'akov of Lissa. In the "introduction to Sidur Tikun Shabbat" R. Moshe of Działoszyn writes about the unity of the jewish people and criticizes the disagreements between different groups (Mitnagdim and Chassidim).
After the Slavita printing press closed, the Shapira family moved with their printing tools to the city of Józefów and the printing press was established there for a short while until they re-established it in the city of Zhitomir.
Both parts in one volume: [2], 204 leaves; [1], 2-37, 34-45, 53-119 leaves (lacking last leaf). High-quality paper. Especially wide margins (more than a third of the page width). Good-fair condition. Detached leaves, stains and wine stains. The first leaves are worn with minor worming. Detached binding.