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P'nei Yehoshua, First Edition - Amsterdam, 1739 - Ancient Signatures

P'nei Yehoshua, Apei Zutra - novellae on Tractates Ketubot, Gittin and Kiddushin, by R. Ya'akov Yehoshua Falk, Rabbi of Metz and Lvov. Amsterdam, [1739]. First edition. First book of this author printed in his lifetime.
Ancient signatures and various ownership inscriptions: ownership inscription in Yiddish from 1741 of "Aharon son of Elazar"; ownership inscription that the book "belongs to R. Natan ---"; ownership inscription of "R. Gershon Frankfurt [a venerable figure in Pressburg who signed the rabbinical appointment of the Chatam Sofer in 1807]; "Moshe"; "Moshe Sofer of Frankfurt am Main -" [the handwriting is not similar to the handwriting of the Chatam Sofer but the inscriptions are in an ancient script. Perhaps this copy belonged to the Chatam Sofer and was inscribed by one of his disciples]; in Tractate Gittin page 5/a is a signature of "Gavriel Levi --- Dessau" and on Leaf 36/b is a gloss signed with his initials "G.L.D." [Gavriel Levi Dessau].
4; 115; 106; 81; 20 leaves. 30 cm. Good-fair condition. Wear and few tears. Ancient leather-covered wooden binding, slightly damaged.
Copies with a different pagination (4; 115; 106; 81; 26 leaves) are listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book and in the Vinograd-Rosenfeld CD. Apparently, different copies of this book exist. Some libraries hold copies with 20 leaves at the end, like the copy offered here (the same as the copy which appears in Otzar HaHochma).